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Every great story begins with a hook.

Whether you're curling up with a glass of vino and an infinitely long TBR or flipping through movie trailers on Netflix, something will spark your interest just enough to say 'yes'.

I believe every brand has the unique challenge to unearth that inimitable glimmer. With extensive audience and competitor research, thorough brand analyses, industry trends, consideration of future goals, and a kick-ass story, this seemingly impossible task becomes... possible.

But it doesn't stop there. The job of a marketing professional is not only to discover that glimmer, but to question and test against it until it is proven. Even then, as the seasons change, so does consumer behavior. The learning process never ceases. The job of a marketing professional is also to ask questions, try new things, and rapidly adjust to new technologies, public sentiment, global events, and so much more.

I love this challenge. I am not afraid to fail. I am hungry for life, and my favorite motto 'seek discomfort' encourages me to push boundaries into the unknown. 

With a background rooted in strategy, I have honed my skills in developing and implementing creative campaigns that not only capture attention, but leave a lasting impact.

Discovering the crucial 'yes' moment is my specialty. 

Let's create.

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